Ear Infections That Can Lead To Hearing Loss

Ear Infections That Can Lead To Hearing Loss

Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA | Nov 2018

ear infection exam and treatment

There are three common types of ear infection causing hearing loss to children and adults.

Acute Otitis Media- This when inner parts of your ear is inflamed due to an infection. Fluid typically builds up behind the eardrum and can cause hearing loss, fever, and other discomfort.

Otitis Media with Effusion– This is an aftermath of a previous ear infection occurrence where fluids remain present in the ear. In most cases, pain, discomfort, and other symptoms may not be apparent. However, patients may experience slight hearing loss.

Chronic Otitis Media with Effusion– This is a case where ear infection and/or fluid buildup is an ongoing occurrence.

These types of infections can cause temporary hearing loss. Left untreated, can lead to eardrum perforation and obstruction of other inner parts of the ear. This can worsen and cause long-term hearing loss.

Antibiotics can often treat ear infections early. In prolonged cases where severe damage and hearing loss is evident, a visit to specialist for an ear exam is the first step to evaluate treatment procedure.

Dr. James Rockwell MD is an Ear Specialist with over 20 years of experience. He has worked with over 1,000 patients in the Seattle area. Dr. James Rockwell offers the highest quality of medical treatment in a caring, friendly, and professional environment.

Schedule Your Ear Exam Today!
1-888-624-3651 | 901 Boren Ave, Suite 1530, Seattle, WA | Info@RockwellMD.com

KidsHealth- Can Chronic Ear Infections Cause Long-Term Hearing Loss?
Cigna- Ear Infection And Hearing Loss
WebMd- Understanding Ear Infections