Common Headache vs Migraine
Common Headaches vs. Migraine Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA Headache is the most common problem among entire age groups all around the globe. It is also considered a sign of psychological and physical health problems. There are several types of headaches, such as Tension headache, Migraine headache, Cluster Headache, Sinus Headache, and Posttraumatic Headache. Almost every headache, approximately the same sign, and symptoms with little variations need to be differentiating carefully. As Tension headache became mild to moderate ache and come and go over time, usually no any other symptoms along with. While, migraine headache is a complex characterized by unilateral, throbbing, pulsating quality, aggravation by light, and recurrent attacks of severe headache. Moreover, commonly in women and has a strong familial tendency. Cluster Headache is the most severe, intense…