4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection 

Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA
4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection
4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection

It’s that time again. You woke up with that nagging ear ache. Or is it your kiddo that’s growing restless and pulling at their ear? Whoever it is, ear infections can become quite painful and affect your daily routine. Although most ear infections typically resolve on their own, when should you think about seeing an ear doctor? What can you do about treating the ear infection at home?

In most cases, your ear infection can be resolved at home. Dr. Rockwell at Rockwell MD in Seattle, Washington, recommends a few of the following:

  1. Heating Pads 

An easy solution that most people can try at home is a heating pad or a warm compress. Set your heating pad to a comfortable, warm temperature and apply it to the infected ear for about 20 minutes. If you do not have a heating pad, a warm compress can work effectively as well. Simply soak a clean washcloth in warm water, wring it out to remove excess water, and apply it to your infected ear. Repeat as necessary to alleviate your ear infection symptoms.

  1. OTC pain relievers 

Pairing a pain reliever with your other remedies can be a fantastic choice to combat your ear infection from multiple angles. An OTC pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) will help combat the pain and/or fever associated with an ear infection. If you’re managing your child’s ear infection, keep in mind that children typically require a different dosage than an adult would. Make sure to contact an ear doctor for guidance on proper dosage.

  1. Antibiotics 

At times, you may run into extra stubborn ear infections that linger and even worsen. If your symptoms are severe and last longer than a week, contact an ear doctor right away. An outer ear infection that is visible may indicate a bacterial infection and a need for antibiotics.

An ear doctor will be able to properly differentiate between a bacterial or viral ear infection and prescribe the necessary antibiotics. It is important to always finish out your course of antibiotics; even if your symptoms have improved.

  1. Drying ear drops

Did you spend the day at the beach with your kids and now one of your ears feels clogged? Not taking care of this issue may result in swimmer’s ear; an infection caused by the bacteria from the water multiplying in your ear. Using drying ear drops will help prevent your ear infection from becoming worse.

Keep in mind that drying ear drops should not be used if you have discharge coming out of your ear.

If your ear infection seems to linger or the symptoms worsen, call and book an appointment with Dr. Rockwell today. Dr. Rockwell is a leading ear doctor in Seattle, Washington and can help diagnose and treat your bothersome ear symptoms. When it comes to ear discomfort, the last thing you want is to prolong your symptoms and further disrupt your daily routine. Call and make an appointment with Dr. Rockwell today!