How an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor can help with Vertigo

How an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor can help with Vertigo

Ear Infection Resources
Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA Vertigo is a common condition that can affect anyone, at any age. It is characterized by a spinning sensation and can cause dizziness, nausea, and difficulty with balance. While it may be a temporary sensation, it can also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. It is important to get see an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor for a diagnosis on this condition. Dr. Rockwell MD, an experienced ENT doctor in Seattle, WA, can help patients suffering from vertigo. Vertigo can be caused by a variety of factors, including inner ear problems, migraines, and even certain medications. Dr. Rockwell MD can help identify the root cause of the vertigo and develop a treatment plan that works best for the patient. Inner ear…
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Ear Doctor Reveals: Top Causes of Hearing Loss

Ear Doctor Reveals: Top Causes of Hearing Loss

Ear Infection Resources
Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA Hearing loss is a common condition that affects many people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. While some causes of hearing loss are out of our control, such as genetics or aging, there are many things we can do to protect our hearing. Here are the top things that can cause hearing loss over time: Loud Noises: Exposure to loud noises, such as concerts, sporting events, or loud music, can damage the delicate hair cells in our inner ear, leading to hearing loss over time. Age: As we age, our hearing naturally begins to decline, and we may experience age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis. Genetics: Some people may be more susceptible to hearing loss due to genetic factors. This…
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Ear Doctor Tips – Ear Infection Home Remedies

Ear Doctor Tips – Ear Infection Home Remedies

Ear Infection Resources
Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA Experiencing a headache can be debilitating and painful. There are different types of headaches, and some can be episodic or chronic. There are many factors that can trigger a headache and can vary per individual. Throbbing, pulsing, and facial pain are some of the most common symptoms. Dr. Rockwell has vast experience in diagnosing and treating patients who have claimed similar symptoms and have been incorrectly diagnosed. Here are some tips that can help you assess and treat your headache. Headache Diagnosis First and foremost, consult your primary physician to discuss your current condition and what you are experiencing. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist like Dr. Rockwell, who then can help you diagnose the condition even further. Sinus Infection A sinus infection can sometimes…
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4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection 

4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection 

Ear Infection Resources
Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA [caption id="attachment_518" align="alignnone" width="1152"] 4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection[/caption] It’s that time again. You woke up with that nagging ear ache. Or is it your kiddo that’s growing restless and pulling at their ear? Whoever it is, ear infections can become quite painful and affect your daily routine. Although most ear infections typically resolve on their own, when should you think about seeing an ear doctor? What can you do about treating the ear infection at home? In most cases, your ear infection can be resolved at home. Dr. Rockwell at Rockwell MD in Seattle, Washington, recommends a few of the following: Heating Pads  An easy solution that most people can try at home is a heating pad or a warm compress. Set…
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