Ear Doctor Reveals: Top Causes of Hearing Loss

Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA

Ear Doctor Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common condition that affects many people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. While some causes of hearing loss are out of our control, such as genetics or aging, there are many things we can do to protect our hearing. Here are the top things that can cause hearing loss over time:

Loud Noises: Exposure to loud noises, such as concerts, sporting events, or loud music, can damage the delicate hair cells in our inner ear, leading to hearing loss over time.

Age: As we age, our hearing naturally begins to decline, and we may experience age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis.

Genetics: Some people may be more susceptible to hearing loss due to genetic factors. This can be caused by inherited conditions that affect the ear or hearing nerves.

Medications: Certain medications, such as some antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs, can cause hearing loss as a side effect.

Injury: Trauma to the head or ear can cause hearing loss, especially if there is damage to the inner ear.

Infections: Infections, such as meningitis or otitis media, can cause hearing loss if left untreated or if they lead to complications.

Chronic Disease: Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can also contribute to hearing loss over time.

If you are experiencing hearing loss or are concerned about your hearing, it’s important to see an ear doctor for an evaluation. Dr. James Rockwell MD is a board-certified ear doctor who specializes in ear exams, diagnosis, and works with hearing aid providers in Seattle and surrounding areas. He can perform a comprehensive hearing evaluation and work with you to develop a treatment plan, which may include hearing aids or other assistive devices. Don’t let hearing loss hold you back – schedule a consultation with Dr. James Rockwell MD today.

James C. Rockwell, M.D., F.A.C.S.

901 Boren Ave Suite 1530

Seattle Washington


Mon-Thurs 9-4 pm