4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection 
Rockwell MD | Seattle, WA [caption id="attachment_518" align="alignnone" width="1152"] 4 Safe Remedies for an Ear Infection[/caption] It’s that time again. You woke up with that nagging ear ache. Or is it your kiddo that’s growing restless and pulling at their ear? Whoever it is, ear infections can become quite painful and affect your daily routine. Although most ear infections typically resolve on their own, when should you think about seeing an ear doctor? What can you do about treating the ear infection at home? In most cases, your ear infection can be resolved at home. Dr. Rockwell at Rockwell MD in Seattle, Washington, recommends a few of the following: Heating Pads An easy solution that most people can try at home is a heating pad or a warm compress. Set…